Tuesday, September 05, 2006


It's hard to sleep when you can't put your head on the pillow.

I did manage to get a couple hours...maybe 3...and I've been up again since about 12:30.

The pain isn't horrible, it's just making it very inconvenient to try to rest. I put my head on the pillow and it just hurts. And I mean it hurts. The pressure is incredible.

So I got up to keep from keeping hubby awake with my restlessness and I've been watching TV and hanging out on the couch.

Maybe I'll get some sleep later.

I was going to try to keep the van today and go to the grocery store but on 3 hours of sleep that's not a good idea. I guess I'll have to make a little list for hubby and have him stop on the way home for the few things we need. That will save gas, anyhow. I'll have to cut the top of the milk carton off so he can see which one to get.

I'm glad he doesn't mind shopping for me. He's a good guy.

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