Wednesday, June 06, 2007

day 608

I try to remember to write in here at least once a week.

Sometimes, though, it's more redundancy than anything else.

It's been about the same for a month now. I get tired, and I try to get up and do things like the pain doc told me to, but then I get more tired if I don't take a nap, and I'll fall asleep sitting up. I can't be up all day every day. My body just won't let me do it.

I see the psychiatrist next week. Hopefully he'll increase my Lexapro and it will help some with the OCD things I struggle with.

I'd like to do more outside but I'm almost afraid to. It makes me so tired, and then my head...and it's just not smart with the pain I'm in...but I might do some mowing anyhow.

After all, I'm gonna hurt whether I do it or not...

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